The Story Behind MyAleph

MyAleph invites you to a world where jewelry seamlessly blends with functional design, crafting a narrative of elegance and purpose.

Our journey began with a simple yet profound idea: to reimagine the phone wristlet as more than just a functional accessory but as a statement of style and intention. Founded by the visionary Fanny Marcus, MyAleph has always been driven by the desire to elevate the art of accessorizing. From the inception, Fanny envisioned an extension beyond phone wristlets, foreseeing a line of jewelry that would capture the essence of luxury and mindfulness.

Our mission is to establish a profound connection between our brand and its purpose: elevating the art of accessorizing. Drawing inspiration from the energy properties of gemstones and her exploration of Reiki, Fanny infuses her creations with intention and meaning, bringing her vision to life through MyAleph.

Our brand is a unique fusion of Fanny's passion for fashion, unwavering devotion to art and design, and commitment to incorporating gemstones into each meticulously crafted piece for the protection and support of our valued customers.

fanny marcus myaleph founder

*meant to be read in a French accent*:

“Our most used accessory, turned into luxury. Because, why wouldn't we elevate every part of our daily style? And why wouldn’t we keep creating pieces to further our self-expression?”

Founder, Fanny Marcus

fanny marcus myaleph founder

Fanny Marcus' remarkable journey led to the creation of MyAleph.

Driven by her profound love for fashion and her unwavering obsession with art and design, she made the extraordinary decision to infuse gemstones into every design, providing not only aesthetic allure but also a sense of security and connection.

Fanny's sharp eye for emerging trends and her innate creativity are nothing short of extraordinary. Her vision is the heart and soul of MyAleph, a brand dedicated to revolutionizing how women embrace their phones and jewelry as integral expressions of their identity.

Join Our Journey

MyAleph is more than a brand; we're a vibrant community of inspirational women brought together by a common love for accessorizing. We extend a warm invitation for you to join us on this exciting journey as we push the boundaries of modern fashion with our innovative accessories. With MyAleph, your phone transcends its functional role to become a statement piece reflecting your individual style and personality. Complemented by our distinctive jewelry pieces, meticulously crafted to empower and inspire, MyAleph ensures that every accessory you choose tells a story uniquely yours.